This training is free and accessible via a Moodle platform for foreign language teachers. It aims to help you discover various tools (all free) integrating the automatic processing of language on the canvas. The training presents teachers with complementary teaching tools and methods that can help them in their analysis of language according to their needs and student populations. The discovery of these tools can also open up new avenues to assist learners in their acquisition of foreign languages.
The tools are grouped into five categories: pronunciation, vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, oral interaction and written expression. For each type of tool, several sections of information allow the teacher to use the tool independently (what is this tool, how can I use it, how does it contribute to learning Language, etc.). At the end of the course, participants will be able to find and use the tool that best suits their teaching style.
Online training is totally free and takes 25 hours. It will start on January 16, 2017 and will end on February 17, 2017. Available on the web, it also has a mobile version. Sign up is open until January 10, 2017.
This training is available in four different languages:
TELL-OP -Transforming European Learner Language into Learning Opportunities is a KA200 Higher Education Strategic Partnership 2014‐1‐ES01‐KA203-004782 supported by the ERASMUS+ programme of the EU
1 comment. Leave new
This post has some really useful information by using which people can get a clear picture of OERs and automatic language programs.